Our first grandchild, Corley Elizabeth McCormick, arrived on the planet this afternoon around 2:00. She came in weighing a sturdy 8 lbs., 7 ozs. and sporting thick shocks of black hair. She takes the maiden name of her paternal grandmother.
Proud parents are our son, Chad, and his lovely wife, Mary Beth. Chad manages the 100,000 acre Cargile Ranch near Mertzen, Texas and Mary Beth teaches middle school in San Angelo.
Jana and I are beside ourselves with joy. Universal testimony to grandparenthood said we would be, but such reports were understated. Joy like this cannot be spoken.
Mary Beth is resting now, doing quite well after her good work this day. We are grateful and humbled by this miracle of birth, and mindful that such a miracle is replicated generously and innumerably by God each day. Thank you all for the loving solidarity of prayer and celebration with us on this grand occasion.

It is Eden all over in our home tonight.